Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fordius Justice Maximus.

Well. My puppy has gotten really sick.
I take the term "puppy," lightly, because he's 9-years-old.
So really, he's kind of an old man in dog years. But he will always be my puppy.

And yes, his name is Fordius Justice Maximus.
When we got him from a kennel, they told us his "name" had to start with an "F," because he was from the litter F. And we got him for my dad's fortieth birthday. So that made his name "Fordius."

When he was a puppy, they named him "Justice." So technically, when we got him, his name was Justice. But we hated it. We then changed it to "Maximus," because that name manly. And he's a manly puppy.

Anywho. He is at the puppy hospital right now, and he could very possibly have a tumor on his spleen. Now, your spleen is something you can live without. So we're PRAYING he gets it removed and everything is good in the hood. If it has spread, then my puppy has about 3 months to live. And I just started crying typing that, because I don't want to live without Max. He's been a part of my family for 9 years, and it hurts my heart when I picture life without him. It hurts my heart when I picture my dad's life without his best friend. And most of all, it hurts my heart when I picture how lonely Callie is going to be without her brother. I just am heart-broken today.


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