OKAAAY, apparently I'm way behind, since Valentine's Day was forever ago.
At least, it seems like it.I've just been trying to finish this dang blog makeover, and it's taking away from all my posting time!
I will be honest, I love love, and I love buying things for Cole.
But I don't necessarily love Valentine's Day.
There are so many expectations!
And I have had way too many Valentine's Days that felt eerily awkward.
But Valentine's Day with Cole is different, and I love it.
You guys know how much I love traditions.
And growing up, we always had "baskets" for every holiday.
I don't know if it started out with an Easter basket, and just carried over to different holidays, or what. But my mom always made us these cute baskets on Valentine's Day, 4th of July, and all that fun shtuff, for as long as I can remember.
So I started off our Valentine's Day with Cole's first Valentine's basket.
Cole's basket consisted of:
+Some of his favorite treats: Hi-Chews, Dill Pickle Sunflower Seeds, Skittles, Heart-Shaped Reeses and Twix (just because that one's a V-Day requirement), Mario Kart Gummies (which ended up being disgusting), Martinelli's, and some more snacks.
+"52 Reasons Why I Love You" on a deck of cards. Which ended up being more funny than romantic in the end. (Oops).
+The world's cutest button up shirt.
+Valentine's Day boxers ;)
+A couple V-Day shirts.
I have the world's most thoughtful husband, and got this beauty from him:
It's my new pride-and-joy and now gets hung from every necklace, religiously.
He also (I'm spoiled) added 2 bands to my ring for V-Day/Our 1-Year Anniversary. It's so sparkly, it's become my ADHD's worst nightmare. I love it. And I love him. And I'll post a picture that wasn't taken with my cracked iPhone someday.
He also (I'm spoiled) added 2 bands to my ring for V-Day/Our 1-Year Anniversary. It's so sparkly, it's become my ADHD's worst nightmare. I love it. And I love him. And I'll post a picture that wasn't taken with my cracked iPhone someday.
So, what started off as an amazingly-thoughtful Valentine's Day, started to get seriously worse and worse.
I've been having these weird health problems lately. But, I am a hypochondriac, so I've been trying harder to brush them off and continue normally through the day. Because more times than others, the (seriously imaginary) "health problem" fades away after awhile of distracting myself.
But on Valentine's Day, I set up this fun little movie night for Cole:
I started to make dinner, and the pain got seriously unbearable.
But I didn't want to look into it much, because I had spent so much time cleaning the house and setting up our movie night.
So I just decided I would take some Ibuprofen, lay down for a little bit, and try again after.
But the pain just got worse.
I said it before, but it's the only word I can think of to fit the pain - it was unbearable.
But I didn't want to look into it much, because I had spent so much time cleaning the house and setting up our movie night.
So I just decided I would take some Ibuprofen, lay down for a little bit, and try again after.
But the pain just got worse.
I said it before, but it's the only word I can think of to fit the pain - it was unbearable.
My Mom's best friend, and my uncle are both doctors. So I had my Mom call them and tell them what was going on, and see if I could wait a couple days to go to the doctor. Really, I just wanted them to give me a couple home-remedies for the pain, until I could go to a doctor's office.
They said if I didn't go immediately, it would be considered a life-threatening illness.
Let me tell ya: For a hypochondriac, I sure do hate the doctor. I think it is embarrassing and uncomfortable and I do not enjoy it.
My Mom came and picked me up (I could not drive my stupid car), and we went to the Instacare. She did a couple tests, and prescribed me some antibiotics. I needed to take 4 pills a day, for 7 days.
I was actually really relieved. Antibiotics was the outcome I was hoping for. The other outcomes were much, much scarier.
So I went home with my medicine.
My body did not like those pills, I guess. Because I had the worst reaction I've ever had in my life to them. I've never actually, involuntarily "yelled" in pain. Until now. Usually with pain, I can usually find a "position" that feels a tiny bit better, or just the smallest bit more comfortable. It was blindingly painful no matter how tightly I crouched in a ball. I was rocking back and forth, and for some reason my leg was freaking out. Poor Cole didn't know what to do. He just kept hugging me and asking me if he could get me anything and rubbing my back.
He even had his (baker) dad make me this Valentine's Day cake. (He's the cutest).
They said if I didn't go immediately, it would be considered a life-threatening illness.
Let me tell ya: For a hypochondriac, I sure do hate the doctor. I think it is embarrassing and uncomfortable and I do not enjoy it.
My Mom came and picked me up (I could not drive my stupid car), and we went to the Instacare. She did a couple tests, and prescribed me some antibiotics. I needed to take 4 pills a day, for 7 days.
I was actually really relieved. Antibiotics was the outcome I was hoping for. The other outcomes were much, much scarier.
So I went home with my medicine.
My body did not like those pills, I guess. Because I had the worst reaction I've ever had in my life to them. I've never actually, involuntarily "yelled" in pain. Until now. Usually with pain, I can usually find a "position" that feels a tiny bit better, or just the smallest bit more comfortable. It was blindingly painful no matter how tightly I crouched in a ball. I was rocking back and forth, and for some reason my leg was freaking out. Poor Cole didn't know what to do. He just kept hugging me and asking me if he could get me anything and rubbing my back.
He even had his (baker) dad make me this Valentine's Day cake. (He's the cutest).
He called the Instacare in a panic, and they told him I had to continue taking the pills. You know, in the war between death and those pills, you have to choose the pills. They prescribed me some "anti-nausea pills" that definitely didn't work.
But after my 4th time throwing up, I think I threw up the last of the medicine. Because, though I still felt nauseas, I got really tired, and really still. And I was able to fall asleep.
The next week, I felt nauseas every second of every day. Some days were worse than others, but I was able to fix a couple of the problems. I took the pills one at a time, hours apart. I drank lots of water. I took multiple baths a day. And though my body still didn't like the medicine, it was bearable.
Cole gave me a blessing during this health trial of mine. But instead of blessing me that the pain would leave my body, he blessed me that I would be able to learn from this experience, and be able to appreciate the days when I do feel healthy.
Guys, I don't know what causes my hypochondria. I do not know how my mind can actually convince my body that it's in pain. But what I do know, is that that blessing is the first thing in my life that has made it better.
As the week went on, I actually started feeling grateful for the constant nausea I was feeling. Because at least it was better than the pain I was feeling before.
The medicine actually has caused different health problems for me. And I haven't necessarily been "cured" of the original illness. But you know what? I've felt worse. So I'm ok. And I'm choosing to appreciate the days when my hypochondria doesn't win. And I'm just so overwhelmingly grateful that my husband is the kind of man that can change my life by placing his hands on my head for 10 minutes.
My Valentine's Day may not have been romantic or fun, like I had plan. But it sure did change my life a little.
My Valentine's Day may not have been romantic or fun, like I had plan. But it sure did change my life a little.
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