I mean, in our "engagement video", when Aubree asks us what our favorite thing to do with each other is, we both responded: "Freakin' sit on the couch and watch Law & Order."
This is an addiction that started LONG before I met Cole. It just has always been there.
On February 28th we went to an event called: "Heroes Behind The Badge".

It was the premier of a documentary by Wayne Derrick and William Erfurth.
"Heroes Behind the Badge is a documentary film featuring some of the brave men and women of Law Enforcement, who put their lives on the line and survived, and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. This inspiring documentary will change the way we look at the men and women of Law Enforcement, and highlight the unselfish acts of bravery they commit each day in the line of duty. Its' stories will be powerful, emotional, insightful, and educational."
Guess who narrates the movie? Oh yeah, VINCENT D'ONORIO.
Guess who came to Pleasant Grove, Utah for the premier? Oh, no big deal, only VINCENT D'ONOFRIO.
It's safe to say I was a little star-struck. Actually, "star-struck" would be a huge understatement.
He started the event by saying some really brief words. He said:
"This movie is like no other movie you will ever see. And you're about to feel that in your heart."
And he was right. I felt it the minute we pulled our car up to PGHS.
He started the event by saying some really brief words. He said:
"This movie is like no other movie you will ever see. And you're about to feel that in your heart."
And he was right. I felt it the minute we pulled our car up to PGHS.
I felt it as I walked down the hall, and entered the Auditorium.
I felt it as the widows of some seriously honorable fallen officers, stood on stage. I felt it as the entire building stood up and applauded them for, what very well could have been, 10 minutes straight.
I felt it through the movie, as I watched this paralyzed Officer Kuzak, take his situation, and fight back.
I felt it as I watched this Moab Park Ranger, Brody Young, survive 9 bullet wounds, and still continue to serve and protect his country.
I felt it as I watched thousands and thousands of people weep for an Officer, whose service affected an entire Nation.
I felt it as I watched a family learn to live without this Park Ranger, who died to protect a literal mountain of people.
And I felt it as I watched this Texas Officer lose an eye, a finger, and still push through to complete his duty.
Vincent D'Onorio is not just one of my favorite actors, on my favorite show. He has become one of my favorite human beings.
Guys, this man is a big deal. He has been in 77 movies. He has starred in 149 TV shows. He has been in a freakin' video game. You guys, he has even been in Broadway plays. He has produced 8 films. He has written 3 plays/stories. He has appeared in 2 soundtracks. He has directed 2 musicals. Guys, he's been nominated for a Primetime Emmy, 2 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards, an MTV Movie Award, a Golden Satellite Award, and has won 2nd place for 'Best Actor' at the National Society of Film Critics. He has won 'Best Supporting Actor' for freakin' MEN IN BLACK, Best Actor for the Lone Star Film & TV Award, Best Actor at the Stockholm Film Festival, Best Actor for CIFF, and Best Actor for the Nashville Film Festival. You guys, THIS MAN IS A BIG DEAL. And yet, here he is, traveling to PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH, professing his admiration for little ole' Police Officers of Utah. Here he is, saying: "I could be in 77 more action movies, and I still would never be half the man Brody Young is." Here he is, in literally the farthest thing away from a city like New York, hugging the wives of fallen Officers, and sharing his passion to pass the "Bulletproof Windshield" petition. (https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/protect-our-law-enforcemnt-being-shot-sgt-cory-wride/pjMtL3j3) He talked about how, living in a Hollywood life where people are quick to complain, he's never once heard an Officer complain. One of the most appreciated men in TV, was genuinely upset at how under-appreciated Law Enforcement Officers are; running into a building, unaware of what awaits them on the other side.
After a couple hard months (talked about in THIS post), I can't tell you the emotions I felt as all the Police Officers in the room stood, and were appreciated by an entire Auditorium full of people, and a big-time celebrity. Because my husband deserves to be appreciated. And the men he works with deserve to be appreciated. Especially during months like this.
I left my house on February 28th exploding with excitement to meet Vincent D'Onofrio. But as I sat in that ordinary Auditorium at PGHS, Vincent D'Onofrio became the least important man in the room.
"People ask me if I feel bad or sad because I knew these cops. People say, 'You must be heartbroken.' And I say, I don't feel sorrow for one single person. What I feel is pride. I am proud of every one of them. Because they gave themselves, and that's what you raise your right hand for. I served, and I served proudly. And I would do it again. I wouldn't hesitate one bit.
I chose to serve the people, and I wouldn't trade being a cop for the world. I'm not even a registered voter. I have never cast a vote in my life. I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a Republican. I am a servant of the people. I don't care who you are, I don't care what you believe in, I don't care what your religion is, I don't care what color you skin is. I was there to serve, and I served."
I chose to serve the people, and I wouldn't trade being a cop for the world. I'm not even a registered voter. I have never cast a vote in my life. I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a Republican. I am a servant of the people. I don't care who you are, I don't care what you believe in, I don't care what your religion is, I don't care what color you skin is. I was there to serve, and I served."
-Officer from September 11th
Made me cry! Thanks for this post, Amanda. And give your husband a big thanks for the service and sacrifice he renders. :)
ReplyDeleteYou're the cutest ever! Thanks for being so appreciative :) You're the best!!