Sunday, January 20, 2013

Twenty More Daaaaaays!!!

As of today, Cole Ryan Peterson will be my husband in LESS THAN THREE WEEKS!
Can you believe it?!

Time is moving as slow as it ever has, and I am more in love than I ever have been.

Yesterday was my bridal shower.
Because it's that time now, because I'm getting married in TWENTY DAAAYS!

Okay, I'll stop doing that.

Yesterday was my family bridal shower, and I am still - 24 hours later - completely overwhelmed with the love and support I felt there.
My mom, aunts, cousins, first cousins once removed (I learned yesterday that that means 2nd cousins), great aunts, and my new wonderful in-laws drove from all over just for me.

My mom and (almost) mother-in-law gave wonderful speeches about Cole and me, and I wish I would have filmed them. For your sake, of course, because I don't need a recording due to the fact that I will never forget them. (I cried).

I love my family, 
I love my in-laws,
and most of all, I am so desperately, terribly in love with my soon-to-be-husband.

Also, we got completely spoiled.

 (I should've taken more, and better, pictures - i just was so overwhelmed)

So Cole is now all moved into our little apartment, along with our bridal shower winnings. I can't wait to join him in TWENTY DAAAAYS!!!

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